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New Books about Animals12 of 4216 ItemsbooksScattered! : a story of estimationHarney, JenniferStephens, Ann MariebooksWhat makes a bird?Hoekstra, MaiaPomper, MeganbooksCatawampus! : a story of shapesHarney, JenniferStephens, Ann MariebooksI love you, Little HorseMarino, GiannabooksHope in a jarMarcero, DeborahbooksAnimal countdownSeeger, Laura VaccarobooksBunny made teaBaehr Fuller, AmandabooksDinosaur DayFlowers, LukeMurray, DianabooksBruce saves the planetHiggins, Ryan TbooksWrong time roosterParkin, MichaelbooksSquash, the cat : stuck in the middleMayer, SashabooksShort dog, long dog : a book of oppositesHrachovec, Anna