If only we had a way of exploring the world and travelling through time, all while staying at home. Wait a minute… we can easily do that, through books! OverDrive has an Asian Heritage Month ebook collection where you can discover great new authors and fun activities. Keep in mind that Asia is the largest continent on the planet, spanning many different countries and cultures. We celebrate Asian Heritage Month in May, but it's important for us to read diversely all year round!
Stories from history are a powerful way to learn about the experiences of different people. They help us understand the injustices in the world and reflect on how to improve our society. These three chapter books written by Asian Canadian authors bring to life the voices of kids from our country's past.
I Am Canada: Blood and Iron by Paul Yee
The year is 1882. Experience danger and prejudice through the eyes of Heen, who arrives in Canada with his father to help build the railway.
Dear Canada: An Ocean Apart by Gillian Chan
Mei-ling works after school and her father has several jobs. They are saving money for her mother and brother to come to Canada. But it's 1922 and they have to pay a head tax if they want their family to be reunited.
Dear Canada: Torn Apart by Susan M. Aihoshi
During World War 2, Japanese Canadians were forced to leave their homes and imprisoned. Mary is one of the children sent to an internment camp. Will she ever see her parents again?
The above books are set in British Columbia. Local history is also filled with eye-opening facts! Toronto is one of the most multicultural cities in the world. This nonfiction book presents the history of our city's Chinese community through stories, photographs and maps.
The Chinese Community in Toronto: Then and Now by Arlene Chan
Learn more about the achievements of Asian Canadians on the Government of Canada's website! There's even a beautiful poster you can download and colour.
Related booklists:
2022 Asian Heritage Month Children's Reading List
2021 Asian Heritage Month Children's Reading List
Picture Books by Asian Authors