Jokes & Riddles
- QuestionWhat comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but not once in a thousand years?
Write Your Joke or Riddle
How do all the oceans say hello to each other ?
what can u catch but never throw?
Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Knock Knock Who's there? Open Open who?
why can't the egg tell jokes?
why does the pencil never get mad?
why does the book never go outside in cold weather?
What do you call a train carrying bubblegum?
David's father has 3 sons, Jack, Crackel and ...?
what is the tallest building in the world?
why did the chicken cross the play ground??
Sophia's mom had three kids. two of the kids names were Lily and Jake. what was the third ones name?
an electric train is traveling south which way is the smoke going???????
How does a bee get to school?
A man sat in his cabin in Canada. 2 hours later he comes out and he is in Ottawa. How is this possible?
what goes up and never comes down?
a horse has three kids there names are Sunday Monday and Tuesday what is the moms name?
what is a dogs favourite colour ?
Why was the vampire afraid of Taylor Swift?
What is a cat's favorite color?
Why did the scarecrow win an award?
What do you call a man without a body or a nose ?
what can fly but can't travel
What did the ocean say to the land?
why did the chicken cross the road
What do the cold water say to the boiling water?
Hey you why did the fish cross the sea?
How do you get a sheep to go to sleep in a rocket?
A rooster laid an egg on the top of a roof which way does it go left or right
I'm tall when im young and i'm short when im old
Why don’t sceleton fight each other.
What type of paper flies?
How did the cat shrink?
what do you call an angry bear ?
How do you know if the egg laughing
Why is there a fence around a graveyard
If you've got me, you want to share me , if you share me you haven't kept me , what am I
What am I, I have water but no fish, I have cows but no farms, I have people but no earth, do you know the answer to this question?
What is a Tornados favourite game to play
What's green and pear- shaped
Two pickles fell out of the jar what did one say to another
Why did the kid bring a ladder to school
what has 3 legs to face and a tail?
Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up
What do you call a fake noodle.
what do u call a pet in a mini van
What dentists call their x-rays?
What kind of lion can't roar?