Jokes & Riddles
- QuestionWhat comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but not once in a thousand years?
Write Your Joke or Riddle
What kind of key 🔑 opens a banana 🍌
in a classroom full of food. everyone was supposed to make a chart. who made the pie chart?
What’s a mummy’s favourite music
What did the ocean say to the beach?🌊🏖
What do you call a witch that is covered in sand?
Why was the cup feeling weird?
Knock!! Knock!! Who's there?? Colin Colin who??
What do you call a can opener that doesn't work
Why was the broom late for work
what is spelt wrong in the dictionary?
Why did the cow wear a bell
What Is The Hardest Tea To Swallow
how do you write a masterpeace?
why did the chicken cross the road? to get to the awsome kids house! knock! knock! whos there?
what did the tv say to the book?
theres a one story house. everything is yellow. yellow doors, yellow bricks, yellow beds, yellow trees. what color were the stairs??
what does thursday have #1 of but monday have none of?
Why was the chicken afraid on FRIDAY???
what goes up! but never goes down?
What do you call a magician who does not have any magic
Why does the soldiers like the 3rd month of the year
Why do McDonald’s customers like the day Sunday
Knock Knock Who's Their? Hawaii Hawaii Who?
Why did the student eat their homework?
why didn't the mussel hold hands?